Monday, October 18, 2010

Drunken Driving

I decided to read an article on drinking and driving called "Our view: Safe Ride program a bright spot in our drinking culture." Our state has been documenting all the drunken driving and last year 238 people were killed in alcohol related crashes, 400 injured, and over 44,000 were caught drunken driving. Wisconsin has the highest rate of drunken driving in the nation and over 26% of adults can admidt to have driven under the influence at least once. Wisconsin may just may get a thing called the "tavern league." They believe that by being on foot may be dangerous so why not include a ride home in the mix? Perfect. In 2009-10 they reported to have gaven over 62,358 free rides home and have had a 16% increase from the previous year. 
I personally think that it's a fantastic thing they are doing here. They are keeping many people out of danger by giving them rides home. Regardless or not if they were going to drive it is still helping them out extremely!! By looking at all of these stats it makes me realize how bad the drunken driving is in Wisconsin and how much more we should be doing to change that. One state should not have the highest drunken driving rate compared to the nation, that is not right. I understand Wisconsin is full of big drinkers but I just don’t understand how people would not want to consider others and think about their safety. These people are doing wonderful things by helping out these intoxicated people because it not only keeps them off the road, but encourages them to not drive  because they know they have a safe way home.

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