Saturday, September 18, 2010
We recently had an assignment to watch a video about a persons approach towards learning. I thought Gever Tully did a fantastic job demonstrating his way of learning. He was more of the “hands on” type of person. His approach was quite interesting though he gave the kids tools, materials, and guidance and let the kids run wild with their imaginations. He started his own school to let kids express their creativity but yet still learn. I don’t think that there has really been that many changes to education in our society other than it being more hands on stuff than it used to be. He states that “time” is in short supply in a Childs daily like, and he has the generalization that you can figure things out by fooling around, or in other words, letting your creative juices flow. He also states that nothing ever goes as planned, which is very true in society. Kids learn that every step in a project is one step closer to success or failure, but they could always try again! As a student in school my learning has always been mostly on paper or in a structured classroom, although I am very good at hands on things. Usually at a small school there is not enough kids to constantly do hands on things, vs. a large school where there is way more opportunities and choices. Outside of school I have learned things hands on a lot more. At my old job at Dairy Queen I had to learn things hands on all of the time. For example: You can’t just tell someone how to make a cone, they have to do it a few times to get the concept. Recently, I just got a job at Dominos Pizza Franchise, and it is 100% hands on for that job. You have to learn how to top pizzas, make pizzas, answer phones, do ovens, stock, etc but you can’t just be told how to do it, it takes practice! I learned how to play guitar In a beginning guitar class that my school offered as a independent study. It was a task at first because its very frustrating when you can’t get your fingers to lay the same way, or even get the guitar to sound the right way. It is all hands on when it comes to instruments, although there is some book knowledge that you have to have. Reading notes, chords, beats, measures, or in other words, reading music in general is a big step and can completely confuse a person learning it. Guitar was one of the most complicating and hands on things I have ever done, but once I got through the hard part, it was not too bad at all. I personally would love to go to a school that approached learning the way Gever Tully does. Like I stated previously, I am very good at hands on things, and I like that he gives them the opportunity to be creative and show him what they can do to the best of their abilities. There have been plenty of times in my life when I had to approach many new and unfamiliar things, drawing was one of the newest things. I couldn’t quite grasp the concept of drawing a person, because there are a lot of things that contribute to it. The eyes, nose, and mouth have to be in certain spots, and if you draw them off, it looks dumb. I would normally get really frustrated because in my mind I could see exactly how I would want it to look, but it would never turn out that way. I am not going to lie though, I didn’t succeed my first time, but I had enough positive attitude and determination to try it again. Society has been pretty good at accepting that everybody fails at least once in their lives at something. It’s just we all know that with failure comes success if you at least try again. I don’t know a single person in my life that has ever just given up, but maybe that’s because they have enough motivation and want to see themselves succeed.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Labor Day Weekend
I had a very interesting Labor Day weekend. Not like most I've had ill deffinatley tell you that! It started off fairly well, just a fun filled weekend with my best friends.. what more could I ask for? Friday and Saturday were both involving either work or hanging out with my friends, but that was okay with me.
On Sunday, I went to my cousin Linnea's wedding reception. It was in La Crosse at the Best Western Hotel and it was a very nice place. Being a nice cousin and all, I decided to be the DD for my cousin Sara who doesn't get out much (being a mom and all). I had a great time seeing all of my family, and even some people I haven't seen for a very long time. But of course with every good thing in life there comes a bad thing also. That night during the wedding reception my cousin Tom let me in on some bad news. He told me that my Grandmother Shirley was not doing too well and that I should go see her because she might have only had a few days to live. I was shocked when I heard this, and he told me that he would take me to the nursing home. I was so nervous to go by myself, that in so many ways i couldn't have thanked him enough for going with me. It was a very hard thing for me to do ( to see someone you love dieing right in front of your eyes) but I knew deep down that if I did not go and see her, I would regret it for the rest of my life. She turned out to be okay that night so we went back to the reception and have a good time. I was never so relieved in my life..
My Monday was pretty boring filled with lots and lots of homework. The wonderful life of a college student :)
But the following morning was not the greatest :( My grandmother passed away, and even though we knew it was coming and am very sad to not have her in my life, I couldn't help but feel at ease that she is not suffering anymore. Especially when you know that they would want you to feel this way.
Overall, I had a very random weekend filled with lots of different things, emotions, places, people, etc. Even after everything I have been through, I cant help but think positive and know that in the end everything will be okay. Just have to keep my chin up and hope for the best!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Intro about myself
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My friend Amara and I |
"May the wind always be at your back.. and the sun upon your face.. and May the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars."
"Take everybodys advice...and then do as you please" - Pop
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